Our Sustainability Commitment

LPA is committed to reducing the impact on the environment by increasing the energy efficiency of our products
and decreasing energy usage in the production processes. We partner with our clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders to
continually improve business processes that may affect the environment ensuring to measure, monitoring and report on
environmental management initiatives.

The Three Key Pillars


We are actively looking at solutions that assist our clients in minimising their footprint on the environment.


People make a difference and can make a change. From staff to suppliers to our clients we want to create a positive future for everyone.


We want to ensure our processes and practices make a difference. By measuring performance, we can ensure we are doing so. We use the best product and backed by WideSky we can monitor and validate our environmental impact.

Our Vision

To be recognised as a leading lighting and energy solutions company across the globe through continually adapting to the changing needs of all users, creating minimal impact on the environment through the use of sustainable products while reducing the carbon footprint of our clients around the world.

LPA has 30 years of experience in providing services that drive innovative, functional, adaptable and efficient solutions, assisting our clients in building energy optimisation.

Our adaptable service model gives our clients flexibility; offering end-to-end solutions including lighting and related services right through to real-time data analytics to monitor energy consumption.

Since inception, our primary sales activity has been at the forefront of professional lighting. Developing innovative, custom lighting solutions that meet the exact requirements of our clients in terms of aesthetics, economic efficiency, regional compliance regulations and environmental compatibility.

As our business has grown, we have worked with our clients to meet their needs and we have evolved our solution offering to include sustainable service options.

Now our business drives R&D in both lighting and resource optimisation technology. We offer systems that use data intelligence to assist in managing energy consumption from smart lighting to smart metering, allowing data-driven decisions using a cloud-based software solution called WideSky.

Our flexible business model continues to evolve and adapt to be at the forefront of new technologies, building our client’s energy independence.

Designing For A Sustainable Future

Sustainable design is increasingly becoming an integral part of our lives. LPA recognises the environmental impact businesses have on our planet.

“Sustainable lighting design has never been so important across all industries. It’s more than just achieving the watts per metre square target, it’s considering the entire lighting system, from the materials used to the location of the manufacturer. Lamp selection is vital to achieving the perfect result.”

LPA Lighting Design Manager

WideSky Energy Management

Renewable Energy Sources